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I excused myself and took alook around. I didn't need to, be was 17. Nonetheless the circumstanceswere different now with him. I passed the pool area and walked into agarden. Noticed a couple kissing and smiled. The young and lucky.Suddenly i realised! Gosh! That's Rahul!!! He noticed me too and got upabruptly and ran. He even ran like a girl now! The boy tried to runafter him but before he could, I nearly broke my land speed record andreached him. "Leave my daughter alone!" I said as sternly as I could. Helooked shocked. Blubbered something and left.I didn't think Ridhi was in a mood for any more partying and I guessedright. I found him in my room. "Mom! Can I sleep in your room tonight? Ican't face Rohan today," she was crying. I hugged her and nodded. "Mom!I kissed a boy! A boy!" she said and wept. "It's ok sweetie! It's ok," Ifailed at reassuring. "Let's go back home," she suggested tearfully. Iagreed.On the way back, I noticed Ridhi subconsciously braiding his hair andthen. For the first time this year she was not wearing a skirt (another reason to hate the weather) but naturally the trousers she wore were skin tight. She was only short, perhaps 5?1, but she had a slim frame with huge breasts and was always smiling. There was just something about her everyone loved.Just as I started to fantasise about touching those perfect breasts she turned and looked straight at me. SHIT!Look away quickly and try to act nonchalant. I’m pretty sure she is not close enough to see my red face right now. I’ll slowly turn back towards the bus stop.She is happily chatting away with a group of girls. I can see her younger sister Katy there, even though she is just in year 9 you can tell she will grow up and become as sexy as Mandy – with a similar physique but she possesses blond hair unlike her brunette sister. There were also a couple of girls from my own class there, Becky and Leanne. 2 typical girls from my class, pretty and always looking down at me. Becky.
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